Xtreme - A cross over between sports wear and classic style, X'treme is a casual wear wrist watch. It is worn around the wrist like an arm band, with the stretchable strap. A design for the one's who would 'love to sport a classic style'.
Red Eye - Red eye is a term in photography, when shooting in darkness the flash directed towards the eye is reflected by the retina creating a red spot. The watch is targeted towards the party crazy generation next. For people with an active night life it rephrases 'caught red handed' as 'caught red eyed'.
De Stress - A wrist watch aimed at professionals, which incorporates a number game. The numbers of the 12 hour watch can be shuffled and reordered by sliding them. The watch is supposed to reduce stress in work environment by indulging in short time games.
Mondrian - The Dutch painter who advocated the style called Neo Plasticism in which pictoral language is restricted to its most basic elements of the straight line, primary colours and the neutrals of black white and grey. A series dedicated to his visions of order and abstract.
Time Keepers
Sreejith Kumar Palekudy...
Industrial Designer Director/ Creative Head Ahmedabad, India