Faith Vs Facts - An Interactive Art Installation

It is a philosophy and a life stance.
I strongly believe that humans must be responsible for making their own lives better. It is about creating a kinder, gentler society through the spirit of compassion, reason and critical thinking. We should take it upon ourselves to make the world a better place. All people are born with the capacity to do well. Our empathy, our compassion and our sel essness has emerged within us over millions of years through the process of evolution. This capacity to love has made us stronger, not weaker. It has helped us from stronger communities and brought us happiness and courage in our darkest hours. However, most of us do not realize this. The world’s most pressing problems should be solved through human thinking and action instead of hoping for divine intervention. Science and free inquiry should be applied to issues such as criticism, superstitions, blind beliefs, human values, politics, caste system, religious systems, global warming, diseases, violent

Freelance, Full-time
Sriman Jetty
User Experience Designer Hyderabad, India