Comix Narrative - Sketch / Concept Model - PROBLEM: The client requested a web-enabled form. Requirements were gathered for the end user-facing side. But the admin user-facing interface had not been thought through at all. SOLUTION: The UE team sketched then illustrated two storyboards to help the client see the missing steps. . The first strip showed the completed flow for the user. The second strip showed a partial flow, with blank panels for steps not yet worked out.
Comix Narrative - Illustration / Concept Model - PROBLEM: The client requested a web-enabled form. Requirements were gathered for the end user-facing side. But the admin user-facing interface had not been thought through at all. SOLUTION: The UE team sketched then illustrated two storyboards to help the client see the missing steps. . The first strip showed the completed flow for the user. The second strip showed a partial flow, with blank panels for steps not yet worked out.
Benefits Explorer - Wireframed Options - PROBLEM: The client asked for an "interactive Benefits Lifecycle tool." They had clear business drivers in mind, but vague and contradictory notions of how the tool would look and work, both on the front end and the back end. SOLUTION: The team internally workshopped 3 alternative approaches, each of which would work with the technical back end, and presented them to the client.
Benefits Explorer - Visual Design - This is a visual design for one of the three options presented for an "interactive Benefits Lifecycle tool."
RDF System Model / Concept Model - The Nature Conservancy redesign The client was building a CMS with no clear understanding of how their manual processes worked. I used an RDF triple model (Subject/Predicate/Object) to help everyone understand the complex and dynamic nature of their information collections and processes. This visual model helped the client make decisions on phasing and staffing the migration, including CMS module rollouts and taxonomy management.
Taxonomy Diagram / Concept Model - eBenefits portal redesign I developed the metadata and taxonomy for this project, and created concept models such as the one above to express the architecture of the taxonomy to team members and business owners.
Enterprise CMS End State / Concept Model - My client wants to go beyond silos of information and applications, and create a true enterprise system that leverages the efforts of IT and knowledge across government agencies and Departments. I created this concept model to help the client visualize and begin to socialize the possibilities of an ECMS. It includes the idea of franchising content and apps across platforms. This is one of a series of phased models driving to a desired future state.
Expanding into Help Desk Channel - Whiteboarding - PROBLEM: Several helpdesk components were added to the project, but no comprehensive approach to help had been envisioned. SOLUTION: I created a multi-channel service approach to help that included 1) workshopping the problem within the team to get all help providers on the same page 2) providing an illustration of the project "Help Universe" 3) creating a Help Desk Manager role and assigning responsibility for stewarding help across channels
Expanding into Help Desk Channel - Illustration - PROBLEM: Several helpdesk components were added to the project, but no comprehensive approach to help had been envisioned. SOLUTION: I created a multi-channel service approach to help that included 1) workshopping the problem within the team to get all help providers on the same page 2) providing an illustration of the project "Help Universe" 3) creating a Help Desk Manager role and assigning responsibility for stewarding help across channels
I lead teams in solving problems
Stacy Surla
Manager/User Experience Lead/Senior Information Architect Washington, DC