An interrelated web of dependancies and relationships surrounding turntable. An exercise in understanding the impacts a single product can have on history.
After the web was created, we were asked to show what would happen had something not occurred. I decided to show this through a Choose Your Own Adventure styled book.
Design Fiction Part 3 of our research exercise on food consumption patterns of RISD students was to create "wacky" solutions as design fiction. 1. RISD Walking Gardens Made Possible By Perfect weather Conditions and Nature of the Future. This imagined a Providence that turned into a sort of Garden of Eden with a lush backyard of plentiful fruit trees and gardens where one could go on a light stroll and eat healthy whenever they please.
Design Fiction Part 3 of our research exercise on food consumption patterns of RISD students was to create "wacky" solutions as design fiction. 2. Take to Studio Chef This imagined that there were funds to provide each student with their own personal chef. This would provide students beautiful, healthy, cooked meals where ever the student might be and when ever they wanted it.
As a group of 3 students, Andrew Cecin, Marianne Koo, and I researched into the food consumption patterns of RISD students. Together we came up with a solution to meet the needs of the busy RISD student. 5 days were alloted towards collecting research and data. Our future solutions were a 2 day assignment. The typefaces I used for this presentation were Univers and Didot.
Can I Predict the Future?

I took a course on future forecasting last fall. Here are some exercises, to read more about the projects go to:

Final project soon to come.

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