Initial Sketch of Concept
Existing Train Toilet Buttons
Exploded View
Presentation Board
Button + ,gives u an idea of what to expect ...

Inclusive Design Hackathon - RSA/ Neata.

Using valuable information that we have obtained from our design partners we managed to identify an area that is in need of improvement, the train toilets. It is never a pleasant experience to walk in to an unclean toilet. We think it is original because, never before there has been a system to inform us about the condition of the toilet we enter.
The ‘’Button Plus’’ is a new device that can change the image of train toilets. Using a twisting ring with textured surface, the user whether visually impaired or not will have Better understanding of the cleanliness of the toilet they are about to enter. This product leads to better customer satisfaction and more efficient cleaning work by the companies.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Efstratios Aligizakis