Honeywell Augmented and Mixed Reality Research

Sponsored by Honeywell Aerospace, I was the Research Associate for a team of nine led by Dr. Axel Roesler, chair of the Interaction Design program at the University of Washington, and Dr. Barbara Holder, technical fellow in Honeywell’s Advance Technology group. During this year long project we developed new interfaces and interactions for future flight decks, maintenance personnel, and training using augmented and mixed reality. In this research project, we not only explored new technologies of augmented and mixed reality and how they may be applied to aviation, but we were also able to learn how designing for these technologies is similar to and different from the current design process for user interfaces and industrial design. We successfully prototyped our concepts using Microsoft’s Hololens.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Scott Tsukamaki
Always curious Seattle, WA