Skopsko Beer - New Year Commercial for Skopsko beer. You can see it here:
Belgrade Film Festival 2006 - Animated ad for Belgrade Film Festival 2006 You can see it here:
Some Kind of UFO Blah Blah - This is experimental self promotional piece. It's a collage, based on an audio clip from a 90's movie Spaced Invaders. Lasts 27 seconds. I designed and animated it in After Effects and 3d Studio Max 7 in three weeks.
Bitef Theatre Spot - Animated commercial for Bitef Theatre in Belgrade You can see it on:
Agrina - Runaway Pate - 3D Animated commercial about a boy who is chasing his breakfast, his mother slipped on kids skateboard and breakfast (a pate can)ran out on the street... Kid had to chase it on his tricycle and beat in bicycle race... My role: story, direction, art direction. Work produced for Official Size and Fried Pictures.