Using the loom helps and motivates elders to move their limbs preventing mobility loss.
The loom was developed through a method of testing and prototyping, in collaboration with the elders themselves who gave feedback on the product.
Every operation was thought and designed to be as user-friendly as possible, allowing even the less able to execute them, making them feel capable and confident.
To integrate memory stimulation exercises, a series of cards were created that presented the weaver with a sequence of colors that he\she had to memorize and then reproduce. The sequences presented a progression in complexity to accommodate for different levels of cognitive ability. Through the loom, the residents could be therapeutically stimulated without perceiving it as a therapy session.
Tapestry being a well spread hobby among care home residents, the loom quickly generated interest and engaged the participants, promoting social inclusion.
Aiming to create a social dynamic between residents, and making the most out of their capabilities, a simple stool was designed to integrate a former carpenter - now a resident at the care home - into the project. The frame was built by him, and the seating itself weaved at the loom.
The loom evolved through many different versions, always improving on feedback provided by the users.

' Tear ' is a loom designed to help fight exclusion in elderhood and in people with dementia. It does so by encouraging and helping them stay active, be creative and productive, and feel acomplished.

Developed at: Escola Superior de Artes e Design | ESAD.CR

In Collaboration with: Fundação Mariana Seixas - Viseu

Freelance, Full-time
Sandro Barbosa
Product & Industrial Designer Viseu, Portugal