Bosch World of Concrete Tattoo Guy. For this project, I not only had to work with sectioning off the original image, but there are three panels that had to be printed on a "blow-thru" fabric. There were numerous test prints to make sure the colors on the "blow-thru" material matched up with the regular solid fabric prints, as well as making sure the material met the code for trade show. As you can see in the final photo, this was a very large graphic and was welcomed with a lot of positive feedback.
Bosch backwall with closet and planogram graphics. For this booth I was tasked with setting up the design layouts and then making sure that the panels all related to each other from the front view or side view. I also had to set up the vinyl "X" for the steel pegboards.
Konica Minolta - RSNA Show This is one of several graphics that was produced for this booth. There were both back-lit and solid fabric graphics, as well as applied vinyl and work with acrylic.
Flex Brand - This is the closet structure for the booth. The graphic for the front of the booth was broken up into three sections where a display booth was also to be incorporated into structure. The FLEX section is separately set up as a back-lit section, with the other areas being regular fabric graphics.
FLEX - Finished booth at the trade show. You can see how the display case is incorporated into the back wall and how the main artwork flows through the layout even though it's broken by the display case and the back-lit logo section.
FPT Industrial Vinyl for Conference Room. This project was set up to apply a translucent vinyl to several areas of the conference room so that the booth wouldn't look as closed off. The red area is the printed color and the white text was cut out. We went through various test prints to make sure the red color would match the rest of the red in the booth. Unfortunately, I never saw the final version as this was right when Covid-19 hit.
Matrex Exhibits

These are some of the projects I was involved with the end production for various trade show booth while at Matrex Exhibits.

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Scott Swidler
Senior Graphic Designer GILBERTS, IL