EZMT Trash Can

Kandy Chair - The Kandy Chair is a chair made of
thermoformed 1/8” high density polyethylene
(HDPE) and finished with a felt laminate. It was made to simulate a modern/minimalist arm chair, taking hints of oversized parts and
exhibiting maximum comfortability. It was
designed specifically for a child that has a hard time getting to bed and needs to read
or be read to prior to sleep. An ottoman was
also made to second as a lap desk.

Kore Stool - Designed for the 2008 Design Within Reach Champagne Chair Contest, Kore is representational of a cored apple formed into a bar stool. After the champagne cork chair (which is actually a Chimay cork) was crafted, I modeled it in Rhino and gave it a modern upscale look and color option if it were to be put into production.
Kore was chosen to join a fleet of 50 top finalists to tour Design Within Reach Studio's on a national level.

Peeled Fruit Bowl - Private client asked me to design a fruit bowl using similar characteristics of the Future VS Nature Lounge chair.
Made of stainless steel, neon acrylic and aluminum screw rivets.

Future vs Nature - wood studio final
refreshingly untraditional for wood.
Currently being exhibited at the Sanctuary Art + Wellness Gallery (2737 Cambridge Street, Philadelphia) for the Fairmount Arts Crawl.

Sky Shakers - The interlocking design of the Sky Shakers not only offers an aesthetic appeal but allow the user to simultaneously use the salt and pepper using only one hand. Both ceramic pieces have been coated with a thin layer of lacquer for a stylish, clean finish.

Nova Pen - This pen was designed for the 2007-2008 Marksman Design Award, however, it never got sent in as an entry. Unfortunately I had run out of time and was unable to overnight it to the Netherlands in time for the deadline.

Rexona ORB

Jacquez Underwater Camera - Designed for Sealife, the Jacquez Camera features a simple interface, slanted screen for optimal clarity, optional fisheye lens and land/underwater option. Named after the greatest underwater photographer of our time, Jacquez Cousteau, the Jacquez camera dares to ask the question, "What captures you?".
See the world with Sealife.

Wired Chess Set - Designed with characteristics based off of the Diamond Chair by Harry Bertoia, the Wired Chess Set features a slick, modern style with directional cue detailing allowing easy reference for players of every skill level.
Designed by Taryn Zychal and Evan Garrett.