Organic Cat Nip Filled Scrapped Umbrella Cat Toys - Why an umbrella cat toy, you may ask? Well, while making dog coats in my tiny apartment, I noticed that my own kitty, Rhoda (the rodent hunter), loved to play with scraps of umbrellas. I don't know if it was the sound or the texture, but it became hard to pull her away from my scrap pile...and that's where the idea hit me! Made from the scraps of other products, the toys are all half umbrella, half fabric (can be felt, or a vintage scrap), and made with 100% love.

Available for purchase at www.recyclingzychal.etsy.com - Only the best for our feline friends, Recycling Zychal Organic Cat Nip Filled Kitty Toys are the newest addition to our line of upcycled umbrella products!
Choose from the following shapes:
• Dinogator (half dinosaur, half aligator, fully awesome)
• Dog (for the ironic kitten)
• Elephant (for the Napoleon complex kitten)
• Mouse (for your traditional cat)
• Fish (for your other traditional cat)
• Birdie (a personal favorite here in my apt)
• Bamboo (super eco-kitty!)

Organic Cat Nip Filled Scrapped Umbrella Cat Toys -
Made from the scraps of other products, the toys are all half umbrella, half fabric (can be felt, or a vintage scrap), and made with 100% love.
The best part about these guys is that $1 from every cat toy sold will be donated to a much needed kitty helping organization. If you know a good kitty helping organization, please let me know or message me; I am open to suggestions and would love to help as many as possible!