Forget Me Not Thesis

Over the past year I’ve delved into the realm of the emotional as a means to develop valuable products. Theories of psychology and personal experiences were utilized as a way to understand and talk about the relationships people develop with objects. Susan Pollak, a Clinical Instructor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School, expresses the importance of objects in this way, “the evocative object is transitional in the fullest sense of the word - - it can bring together generations, anchor memory and feeling , and evoke attachments that have long been forgotten.” This understanding of objects has lead to the development of three thoughtful Forget Me Not products. The goal of each product is not only to enable a strong connection to be formed with the user, but to also allow the products to function as a means to develop stronger connections with others. A strong component of each of the objects is sensuousness.

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Tawny Hixson
Graphic & Product Designer Seattle, WA