Wrap it away to Africa - A in-class project. A series of poster created for a fictitious event that would take place during Christmas. The event is organized by cafe more a cafe that promotes charity knowledge art and music. The event is a charity event where people can come wrap gifts that are donated or donate gifts to the children in Africa for the beautiful occasion of Christmas.
Wrap it away to Africa - A in-class project. A series of poster created for a fictitious event that would take place during Christmas. The event is organized by cafe more a cafe that promotes charity knowledge art and music. The event is a charity event where people can come wrap gifts that are donated or donate gifts to the children in Africa for the beautiful occasion of Christmas.
Wrap it away to Africa - A in-class project. A series of poster created for a fictitious event that would take place during Christmas. The event is organized by cafe more a cafe that promotes charity knowledge art and music. The event is a charity event where people can come wrap gifts that are donated or donate gifts to the children in Africa for the beautiful occasion of Christmas.
Wrap it away to Africa - A wrapping paper created for the previous posters
Wrap it away to Africa - A wrapping paper created for the previous posters
Wrap it away to Africa - A wrapping paper created for the previous posters
If the Shoe fits - Article 16: Men and Women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. In this project I borrowed the Cinderella tale where the prince realizes she is his princess by her foot fitting in the glass slipper. I made variations of it implying the unison of different races and cultures.
If the Shoe fits - Article 16: Men and Women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. In this project I borrowed the Cinderella tale where the prince realizes she is his princess by her foot fitting in the glass slipper. I made variations of it implying the unison of different races and cultures.
If the Shoe fits - Article 16: Men and Women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. In this project I borrowed the Cinderella tale where the prince realizes she is his princess by her foot fitting in the glass slipper. I made variations of it implying the unison of different races and cultures.
Counting Sheep - In many cultures, the act of counting sheep is used when someone cannot go to sleep. The idea of associating counting sheep with the brand, conotates that the products have the same quality as the act of counting sheep. In other words, the products are relaxing and contribute to easy sleeping. The hues of blue are soothing and conotate clear thoughts, relaxion, peace which in the end are all brought by healthy sleep.
Counting Sheep - In many cultures, the act of counting sheep is used when someone cannot go to sleep. The idea of associating counting sheep with the brand, conotates that the products have the same quality as the act of counting sheep. In other words, the products are relaxing and contribute to easy sleeping. The hues of blue are soothing and conotate clear thoughts, relaxion, peace which in the end are all brought by healthy sleep.
Counting Sheep - In many cultures, the act of counting sheep is used when someone cannot go to sleep. The idea of associating counting sheep with the brand, conotates that the products have the same quality as the act of counting sheep. In other words, the products are relaxing and contribute to easy sleeping. The hues of blue are soothing and conotate clear thoughts, relaxion, peace which in the end are all brought by healthy sleep.
Counting Sheep - In many cultures, the act of counting sheep is used when someone cannot go to sleep. The idea of associating counting sheep with the brand, conotates that the products have the same quality as the act of counting sheep. In other words, the products are relaxing and contribute to easy sleeping. The hues of blue are soothing and conotate clear thoughts, relaxion, peace which in the end are all brought by healthy sleep.
Broccoli capuccino recipe - Taking a simple recipe and practiced hierarchy of typography
Vancouver winter Olympic schedule - In the occasion of the Vancouver winter Olympics we took on a project that required us to create a structured system and hirerachy of information to create a schedule that would be easy to understand
Graphic design
Tayma Bittard
Multimedia and Visual communicator Sharjah, United Arab Emirates