A different take on the Chico Public Parking sign. Using filters and editing software, I was able to make an otherwise drab street sign into something vibrant and colorful.
The Diamond Matchstick property.
Disc Golf course on Highway 32 on a very fogging morning.
Most, if not everyone in Chico, has taken a dip in One Mile.
Another take on the Senator neon sign. Once again, using editing software I was able to provide a different perspective.
Polar Bear Swim, New Year's Day 2014
Polar Bear Swim, New Year's Day 2014
Almond blossom.
Corner of 8th and Main under a heavy blanket of fog. The famous Thunderbird sign is in the background.
Almond orchard bloom.

I lived in Chico, CA for 15 years and grew to appreciate everything this community has to offer. My intention when taking photos around town is to capture an image that has meaning and identity for the inhabitants of Chico. Sometimes this is obvious, and sometimes it is unassuming. Regardless, each picture can be seen as being definitively Chico.

T-Bone Photography
Hunk & Underwear Model. I take photos on the... Napa, CA