CUMULATIVE RESEARCH - This semester was a semester of food systems. Our final project was to be a system of a system in which both books [final works book as well as process works book] would work together to comprise the entity of our work.
FINAL WORKS - The final works book is comprised of assignment briefs, personal analysis, photographic representation as well as large scale inserts. It documents the flow from project to project and describes the relational components between them, as well as how I change my role and/or audience with each new assignment.
PROCESS WORK - This book is comprised of the progress and process that I took to reach the final works. From initial research to numerous iterations, it details the account of coming to the end result. Much of the work is rich in itself but various points of redefining audience or objectives take the work to the next level.
FONT APPLICATION - After designing display faces I received Rachael Huston's font, "Babble." My assignment was to cater an open project to successfully implement her typeface in relevant form. The book is a french folded flip book of the alphabet, abstracting the beauty found in each letter. The accordian wrap enclosing the book displays the entire alphabet I merged into a single unit to greater emphasize the organic and playful form she designed.
Traditional - This book was an exercise to replicate traditional book design by mimicking the qualities and limitations set forth by the letterpress.
Modern - This book is a culmination of a primary, secondary and tertiary text. It was to be designed in a modern format making use of the grid system, and creating a lay out successful in delivering the three levels of text in respective hierarchy.
Type & Image - This is the third book in the exercise of three. We were asked to successfully lay out a primary and secondary text with self appropriated imagery. The text is Martin Majoor's philosophy on mixing typefaces and that is the inspiration of the photography which I chose to abstract over french folded pages. The title was limited to a neologism in which I chose anagallischiasm [meaning delightful crossing].
This was an exercise in looking at type as image. I carefully laid out a piece I personally wrote, taking in account the formal qualities of the individual spread as well as the composition as a whole when this french folded work is completely laid out.
Book Design