Promotional package for Balancing Act, a food and wine pairing service for mid-range restaurants and their reasonably priced menus. This single wine bottle caddy is meant to be left behind by sales reps approaching new business with a bottle of wine recommended for the target restaurant's menu along with up to date facts and figures regarding wine consumption and how it relates to proper menu pairing.
Business card and simple print ad for Balancing Act, a wine pairing service for local restaurants and their reasonably priced menus.
Logo for Balancing Act, a wine pairing service for local restaurants and their reasonably priced menus.
Balancing Act

Promotional package for Balancing Act, a food and wine pairing service for mid-range restaurants. This single wine bottle caddy is meant to be left behind by sales reps approaching new business with a bottle of wine recommended for the target restaurant's menu along with up to date facts and figures regarding wine consumption and how it relates to proper menu pairing.

The challenge was too position the brand with an unpretentious, playful, and approachable personality. It was very important t that this company be differentiated from the prestigious, somewhat snobby preconceived notions that many people have about wine consulting services and the people behind them.

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Dave Smith
Designer Portland, OR