NZIA. Awards trophy packaging

This year, Product Designer Jamie McLellan was commissioned to design the NZIA Award trophies and we were invited to design and develop a piece of packaging suitable to the occasion. To capture the gravity of the awards whilst supporting Jamie’s concept — a flat packed user-assembled trophy, complete with screws, tools and instructions.

The structural package for the NZIA Award completes this concept (in an Ikea kind way), all designed and constructed with multi-layered, die-cut, Kraft Brown E flute corrugated cardboard. Each component fits into a precision crafted cut-out, holding them secure and protecting the anodised metal. All cut-outs incorporate a thumb groove tailored to the same depth as the component, creating a simple and obvious way to lift out.

Brand, artwork & in collaboration with Inhouse Design

Final imagery thanks to & copyright © Inhouse Design

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Mat Bogust
Cardboard Engineer | Think Packaging® Auckland, New Zealand