Contrast, 2015. The arrangement of opposite elements in an image.
Emphasis, 2015. Special attention given to a specific part of the image.
Balance, 2015. Feeling of equal weight throughout an image.
Size/Scale 2015. Proportional relationship between subjects in an image. Human evidence gives relation.
Pattern, 2015. Organized or disorganized placement of recurring elements.
Unity, 2015. A visual feeling of harmony that results when all individual elements of an image come together as a whole.
Movement/Rhythm, 2015. The use of elements to direct the viewers attention throughout an image.
Space, Line, Pattern, Unity, 2015.
Principles of Design

The Principles of design can be thought of as what we do to the elements of design. How we apply the principles of design determines how successful we are in creating a work of art. They describe the ways that artists use the elements or art in a work of art.

Thomas Ferrara
Student Sparta Township, NJ