Advertising/branding campaign for local - international investment company (goody bag alternative 01)
Advertising/branding campaign for local - international investment company (goody bag alternative 02)
front cover of communication campaign packaging box.
inside of box (contain agenda and calendar)
agenda with brown leather
rational: RE (as in return /profit) This concept introduces Bahana as an investment management and their services & core values (agenda content: P-RE-CEDE)
rational: RE (return/profit) agenda content: RE-JUVENATE
rational: RE (return/profit) agenda content: TRANSPA-RE-NT & P-RE-CISE
rational: RE (return/profit) agenda content: MEASU-RE & PROG-RE-SSIVE
rational: RE (return/profit) agenda content: INC-RE-ASE
3D display of Calendar 2010
calendar pages: RE-JUVENATE
calendar page: P-RE-CISE
Wiwik Megawati
graphic designer jakarta, Indonesia