proposed Warcraft Trailer

Evertheory Album Art

Mayan Cave - Concept Art for Film

Martian Based Mecha - Film Concept Art

Seige in progress! - Film Design Concept

Captains quarters

City concept

"Cellular" Phone

The Sorceress

A chance encounter

Construction of the Palace - Storyboard work

Perlinus Explored - Boundless Planet artwork

The Final Confrontation - Sci-Fi Film Concept Art

Rebellion - Comic Work

Through the molten pass - Boundless Planet

The Discovery - Painting for fun

Our inner workings - Film Concept Art

The Viking King - Film Work

Los Angeles after the Quake

Molten Landscape - Boundless Planet

The Grand Bazaar - Film Concept Art

Portrait of Evil - Film Concept Art

Crossing the Indus - Film Concept Art

Outer Planet - Boundless Planet

Inner Workings 2 - Film Concept Art

To the Death! - For Fun

Peace and Quiet - Film Concept Art

The new Model - Game Art

The Storm

Evertheory Album Art

Out of Fuel!

LA River Shantytown - Film Concept Art

I had to change the final version

Attack from Above - Film Concept Art

Underground Fight - Film Concept Art

Motorcycles - Film Concept Art

Some of the projects I have worked on...
