Ridgefield One Homepage - This is a custom Joomla site I created for Ridgefield one. It has full CMS editing features, JavaScript navigation with smart-previews on rollover, and it featured advanced CSS3 features including box-shadows, corner-radius, text-shadows, etc. It also has an iOS compatible Javascript Gallery, with custom lightboxes that were modified from existing Joomla plug-ins using JQuery, XML, PHP, and JavaScript. I did the Design and Programming.
IBM Jams Chat-Room - This is the chat-room module from a project I worked on for IBM. I did a large part of the development including custom scroll-bars, JavaScript Div layer creation and positioning, auto-re-sizing text-input, graphic Design, Ajax development, and HTML CSS work.
Halifax Hospice Homepage - This was a design I did at Acsys Interactive that is currently in production. The center portion will be full video with a flash gallery tour in the expandable box on the right.
Wii Site - A school project where I designed a sitelet celebrating the then upcoming Nintendo Wii. The site had sections for different aspects of the console as well as mini "store," which featured short videos of each of the soon to be released games. The images were acquired from google, because the console had not been released at the time that i designed this little HTML site.
Stamford Hospital Cancer Microsite - Part of a pair of microsites I had to re-skin during my time at acsys Interactive.
Stamford Hospital Orthopedic Microsite - Part of a pair of microsites I had to re-skin during my time at acsys Interactive.
Salinas Hospital video player - I skinned this video site to work with Salinas Hospital's existing video hosting provider's layout, while maintaining the look and feel of their existing website.
Tom Marra
Graphic Artist / Web Developer Baton Rouge, LA