Gluos is a non-invasive blood sugar meter with a detachable sensor. It measures the blood sugar level in a easy, fast and unobstrusive way.
Gluos - be flexible with diabetes - - The exact result is stored and transferred to a mobile phone and a diabetes management software.
Gluos - be flexible with diabetes - - detach the sensor to measure your blood sugar level. Full control in special situations.
Gluos - be flexible with diabetes - - Feel confident and save or check it up if you feel unsure.
Gluos - be flexible with diabetes - - Gluos is a non-invasive blood sugar meter with a detachable sensor. It measures the blood sugar level in a easy, fast and unobstrusive way.
Alois - A significant wood grain combined with a concentrically arrangement creating a cosy illumination.
Alois - A significant wood grain combined with a concentrically arrangement creating a cosy illumination.
Alois - A significant wood grain combined with a concentrically arrangement creating a cosy illumination.
Industrial Design
Tobias Förtsch
Dipl.- Product Designer Munich, Germany