2009 World Irish Dancing Championships - Logo designed for the Championships held in Philadelphia in 2009. Used traditional Celtic imagery to convey movement and simplicity.
Ballys-Virgin Islands Casino Club logo - The casino approached us to design the identity for their members club. I wanted to use tropical colors and themes as well as a strong casino feel. These examples were completed in 6 hours.
PPRA/Philadelphia Public Relations Assocation - Proposed logo for PPRA. I wanted to use a "philly-centric" theme (Ben Franklin) to help capture the essence of what the group is all about.
Commerical Closet Association/commercialcloset.org - Non-profit that promotes GLBT equality in advertising. The online rating system allows you to rate the fairness or harshness of print and commercial ads.
The Actor's Garage - Proposed logo for The Actor's Garage in New York. The company focuses on developing the talents of children, hence the use of elementary colors and shapes.
Bar-b-que & Blues Festival - A festival that takes place in New Orleans that features, you guessed it, bar-b-que and blues music. My idea was to create a hand-done raw logo that would better portray the mood of the weekend.
Thirsty Dog Brewery - Proposed logo for a brewery in Cincinnati.
Cornerstone IT Consultants - Original logo for the group. I wanted to show strength and utilize the negative space.
Personal Logo - A logo I created for self-promotions. I wanted to portray the plug as having a "spark" of ideas while the face is the relief of a "T" for my first name.
Sleep Solutions - A logo and packaging created for Foamex's line of memory foam mattresses.
Space Kidettes - Logo created for a fictional children's clothing store in Manhattan. Instead of going with the obvious "kids in spacesuits", I wanted to portray a sophisticated constellation creative.
Sudden Death Hot Sauce - Logo created for a fictional hot sauce. I wanted to portray Death (the grim reaper) instead of sudden death as "time" because I felt that it worked well with the concept of a "deadly hot" sauce.
Be a Hear-O for Better Hearing Run - A Philadelphia run/walk that benefits audiological research and aid.
Tom Gabor
Graphic Designer Blue Bell, PA