Project: Backyard Battle Kids character concept Client: Utrecht School of the Arts Year: 2012 Medium: Photoshop / Illustrator. A character design concept for a game concept I'm still secretly developing.
Project: Sheik guard character design Client: Self Year: 2011 Medium: Photoshop. A bulky, burly Arabian 1001 Nights guard design.
Project: Bumtrumpet Client: Self Year: 2011 Medium: Photoshop. A classy, ragged old bum playing that smooth jazz on the street.
Project: Broc Lee Client: Self Year: 2008 Medium: Photoshop / Illustrator. A joke character which I came up with a classmate of mine.
Character Design

Here are examples of character designs which I designed during the last couple of years.

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Tom van der...
Master of Arts in Creative Design for Digital Cultures Amersfoort, Netherlands