BeforeNow iPad app // A journal application that uses a non-linear editor to track past events from your life.

Alarm Clock App // I created the User Interface and was part of the Graphics team on this. Created with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

Tango TRX Remote app // I created the User Interface and was part of the Graphics team on this. The App is available for iPhone and iPad in the iTunes app store.
Created with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

BackTrack for iPhone App // This app allows the user to track commonly missed items like keys. You can page the item, locate its last position on GPS and find it based on signal strength.

Luna Voyager 2 app // This gives the customer greater controls over settings and audio controls for the alarm clock hardware.

Lifeslides App for iPad and iPhone // This app allows the user to view their facebook news feed, twitter feed, photos, and album artwork in a slideshow. It also has audio controls while docked in a XtremeMac speaker.