DISEÑOS INFANTILES SHOP - This shop was a bit of a challenge due to budget requirements, nontheless, the final product was a place in which parents can easily identify stuff for their kids age, while the little ones would be playing on this colorful tunnel park. Front desk is a multifunction piece of furniture, works as counter wrapping table, , as a couch for tired ones and as small library software: 3d studio 8, rhyno 3, vray
DISEÑOS INFANTILES SHOP - This shop was a bit of a challenge due to budget requirements, nontheless, the final product was a place in which parents can easily identify stuff for their kids age, while the little ones would be playing on this colorful tunnel park. Front desk is a multifunction piece of furniture, works as counter wrapping table, , as a couch for tired ones and as small library software: 3d studio 8, rhyno 3, vray
DISEÑOS INFANTILES SHOP - This shop was a bit of a challenge due to budget requirements, nontheless, the final product was a place in which parents can easily identify stuff for their kids age, while the little ones would be playing on this colorful tunnel park. Front desk is a multifunction piece of furniture, works as counter wrapping table, , as a couch for tired ones and as small library software: 3d studio 8, rhyno 3, vray
DISEÑOS INFANTILES SHOP - This shop was a bit of a challenge due to budget requirements, nontheless, the final product was a place in which parents can easily identify stuff for their kids age, while the little ones would be playing on this colorful tunnel park. Front desk is a multifunction piece of furniture, works as counter wrapping table, , as a couch for tired ones and as small library software: 3d studio 8, rhyno 3, vray
DISEÑOS INFANTILES SHOP - This shop was a bit of a challenge due to budget requirements, nontheless, the final product was a place in which parents can easily identify stuff for their kids age, while the little ones would be playing on this colorful tunnel park. Front desk is a multifunction piece of furniture, works as counter wrapping table, , as a couch for tired ones and as small library software: 3d studio 8, rhyno 3, vray
DISEÑOS INFANTILES SHOP - This shop was a bit of a challenge due to budget requirements, nontheless, the final product was a place in which parents can easily identify stuff for their kids age, while the little ones would be playing on this colorful tunnel park. Front desk is a multifunction piece of furniture, works as counter wrapping table, , as a couch for tired ones and as small library software: 3d studio 8, rhyno 3, vray
Nestor Laverde