Driven Visor Clip

Driven is a car air freshener brand targeted towards men. I was tasked with designing the new visor clip to replace the one currently sold in Wal Mart. The objectives were to soften the design language in order to appeal to a wider audience as well as improve airflow through the product, thus improving scent production, all while keeping the form as small as possible. This was accomplished by redesigning the visor clip from the inside out: I scrutinized the effectiveness of the current components and the layout of the interior including the tact switch, pcb board, impeller, motor, and AAA batteries. The result is a form that improves scent production, is aesthetically more pleasing, and is not only technically smaller, but it appears smaller as well thanks to the tapering curves. I was the sole designer in charge of this product and took it through form ideation to a highly refined CAD model used to create tooling.

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Troy Christiansen
Industrial Designer Salt Lake City, UT