One serve cocktail blender concept - *Student concept project. Not commissioned by Braun* 3D modeled in solidworks, rendered in modo. Blender is activated by turning the glass top section clockwise. As power increases, logo light fades up.
Single serve cocktail blender concept - *Student concept project. Not commissioned by Braun* 3D modeled in solidworks, rendered in Modo. The aim was a simple user interface and sleek aesthetic which would fit easily into a modern kitchen/bar.
Blender design - *Student concept project. Not commissioned by Breville* 3D modelled and rendered in Solidworks.
*Student concept project. Not commissioned by Braun or Breville*
*Student concept project. Not commissioned by Braun*
A selection of 3D work - *Student concept work. Not commissioned by companies portrayed* Programs used include Solidworks, Rhino 4, Modo, 3D Studio max.
Fountain water instrument prototype - This sketch was done as part of the proof of function prototype for a water driven musical instrument. The final prototype was then 3D modelled and built.
Recycled material razor - Student work
Water instrument user interface design
Steel drum water instrument prototype - This sketch was also used as the starting point when building a proof of function prototype. The design was then 3D modelled and built.
Student work
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Aaron Tuck
Industrial Designer specializing in Furniture Design Adelaide, Australia