Dark Me (On Locaton), 2014: The Story: I went for a darker theme. The story is about a young man who is possessed by a demon. The man is starting to feel the power that the demon has, as it adjusts to his body. As the demon adjusts, the man slowly starts levitating as the demon penetrates his soul deeper and deeper making its presence more apparent.
The Weightless Man (In School), 2014: The Story: A young man finds a balloon in the woods tied to a tree. He unties the balloon and observes to see that it is a normal light blue balloon. Then the man suddenly realizes that feet are off the ground. As the balloon takes him higher and higher, the man has a surprised but happy look on his face. The man is astonished that a normal balloon has the capability of lifting him off the ground.

This project has helped me come up with more creative ideas. This project challenged me use creative methods to achieve the look I wanted for both of my photos. I also incorporated darker elements not originally seen in my earlier work to create a creepy levitation environment for my "Dark Me" photo.