Bernardo Lovelock - Toon vampire bat who suffered a great heartbreak in the past, and placed a magical lock over his heart to feel no sadness. Drawn and colored with crayon and colored pencil by Tavish Stone
Count Whiteblood comic - An example of what we can do with comics as a form of storytelling, and our fondness for macabre humor. Drawn and colored with crayon by Tavish Stone
Count Wilhelm Whiteblood, Bernardo's cousin from the novel-in-the-works "Toonheart" Drawn and colored by Tavish Stone
Bernardo Lovelock expressions Drawn and colored by Tavish Stone
Bernardo Lovelock body Drawn and colored by Tavish Stone
Bernardo Lovelock clothes Drawn and colored by Tavish Stone
Original characters 3: Toonheart

Toonheart is a toon fantasy novel in the works, starring Count Whiteblood, the macabre bat and his adventures through spooky woods, alternate realties, and existential crisis.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Ian and Tavish...
Designers/Cartoonists Gardena, CA