BooHoo - One night I was dreaming being chased by a rainbow-hair love ghost so the next morning I woke up I decided to "sketch" out my dream using Illustrator and this is the result, what I had in my dream. well, some sort. enjoy ;)
ReemBow - Model: Reem :) Software: Adobe Photoshop
Bow Ring - One day I was stuck in a very boring Accounting lecture so I started to doodles some cartoons n design in my notebook, so u can see some words like "expense", "market", "sales return" in it cause as the lecture goes by the more ideas i got. so being in class is not so bad i guess - inspiring instead. The original piece was actually hand-doodled using blue ball-pen on a piece of a paper. i just love colorsss. it makes me happy. bla3
Ride 'em Your Way - I just mix a photo of me and my friends taking a roller coaster ride with other photos of butterfly, bird, clock, etc2. and try to make the color as vibrant as possible. Just some mixture of pics and there you have it, ride 'em your way! :) Software: Photoshop
I Love You - Simple wallpaper design made specially for mi amor :)
Save Me From Myself - Save me from myself Software: Adobe Photoshop
Hitman - I was watching the movie Hitman few weeks ago for the second time and I think it's a great movie and the charater Agent 47 (played by <a href="">Timothy Olyphant</a>) is really cool so I just came out with this simple artwork inspired by it :) Enjoy!
Stuff I Need - i just decided to "design" a list of stuff that i really really really need asap. ergh money money money. Software: Adobe Illustrator
Random Graphic Design. (study years 2004-2008)
Uchop Matt
Graphic Designer / Dancer / Fitness Dance Instructor Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia