Creature. (cover page and a strip title) - This is a comic book i made in a pictorial storytelling class. The characters as well as the storyline were developed and illustrated by me. Learnings: *Developing a character. *Maintaining consistency in the characters through the strips. *Improving illustrative style.
Creature. (strips) - This is a comic book i made in a pictorial storytelling class. The characters as well as the storyline were developed and illustrated by me. Learnings: *Developing a character. *Maintaining consistency in the characters through the strips. *Improving illustrative style.
Book on T-shirts - Layout created for a book on T-shirts. Illustration as well as content were generated by me. Learning: *Content generation. *Improving software skills.
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Cutlet (students magazine) - Started by 8 of us, 'Cutlet' is a Srishti student's magazine. It began as an forum for students to express themselves and display their work. It broadly includes anything that interests or is related to us as designers. We are now working on its third issue with 30 other students working in various departments.
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