Banner ad made in flash for site - Banner ad made in flash for ficticious supermarket - Software: flash
Outdoor - Outdoor to publish ficticious supermarket - Software: Photoshop
Outdoor - Outdoor to publish ficticious supermarket - Software: Photoshop
Outdoor - Outdoor to publish ficticious supermarket - Software: Photoshop
Branding - Redesign of 2007 Panameriacan Games' visual identity, based on the artistic movement called Tropicalia, or Tropicalism.
Gifts - Redesign of 2007 Panameriacan Games' visual identity, based on the artistic movement called Tropicalia, or Tropicalism.
Posters - Redesign of 2007 Panameriacan Games' visual identity, based on the artistic movement called Tropicalia, or Tropicalism.
Procesing of image - Processing of image for interface layout.
Processing of image - Processing of images for animation made in after effects. Eperimental project that shows the idea of how the digital world can be in about 40 years -

Some jobs made when i was a graduating student at digital design.

Vanessa Leal de...
Designer, Art Direction, Creative Leader. Carapicuíba, Brazil