Migrancy Script on The Stacked Housing in Jakarta

This study seeks to explore how the act of journeying and the act of settling entail cultural work in the context of proliferation of movements and changes. This study attempts to reveal the spatial stories of migrancy to vertical living in Jakarta through grounded theory approach. Living in the stacked housing in Jakarta perceived or imagined as the idea of transit involves diverse points of origins, tracks, and orientations. This paper particularly investigates the notion of migrancy as the representation of a journey of changing nature of home. The journey represents the lived experience in which the concept of ‘home’ embodies and signifies, where the culture and ethnicity of a past meet the ambivalence of a present to form constructions of home for the future. The study proposes that migrancy and the act of journeying and settling are intertwining themes that are embodied in the script.

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Verarisa Anastasia Ujung
Master of Interior Architecture Candidate, Victoria University of Wellington, New... Wellington, New Zealand