Google: “Android 404”

With an ever increasing amount of web traffic is prepared for all eventualities. Whether it’s organic, social, direct, or referral traffic Android has found a way to make 404 errors, well, not so bad.

Direct and referral traffic result in the most 404 errors (or HTTP response status code 404—Not Found) due to misspellings of the address (e.g., or outdated links.

With this understanding, we proposed the following solution. Instead of presenting the audience with an error message, why not drive that traffic towards major user flows (e.g., wear or tablets) or maybe have a little fun with it?
For, we re-imagined the concept of receiving the a status code of 404 and decided to take into account both camps, designing a page that allowed the user to select major traffic destinations or a second option that allowed them to play a game.

Our team came up with the idea of… [full desc. at external link]

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Vincent V. Toscano
Producing Amazing Websites and Apps New York, NY