WarmWinter - The crazy idea was to come up with a moody image to be used as an airline mag. self-promo that both eminates "WINTER" and "WELCOME" for a brand that makes a living almost entirely by flying people back to the soggy weather of the UK.
webslick for SLFF - ...a look that emulated hand made authenticity...if not 'hip scrapiness.' The look was deliberately imperfected in a lot of ways and draws on benday style to accentuate it's analog look...which was created COMPLETELY digitally.
stoned immaculate - i made a postcard for each of my best friends with what i feel is there 'summation'
Boston Marathon - I scan EVERYTHING. I found this small pump's design rather intriguing for something that generally ends up at the bottom of a box or the back of a closet. Simple idea, straightforward execution.