Iron Giant and Black Hole VIncent Robot Toys
Self Portrait - Digital Painting
"Selfish Monkeys" from "Monkeys behaving Badly" - Conceptual illustrations for a series of paintings called "Monkeys Behaving Badly"..
"Lazy Monkey" from "Monkeys Behaving Badly" - Conceptual illustrations for a series of paintings called "Monkeys Behaving Badly".
Monday Knight Football character concept - Conceptual illustration for a video game character concept from "Monday Knight Football".
Traditional Media Illustrations
Woman on phone at the beach. - Charcoal sketch.
Quick gesture pose exercises. - Various pencil and charcoal sketches.
Variouos gesture drawings
Lawncare Joe and Copapella concept sketches. - Various pencil and charcoal sketches.
"Dynamictoons" Cartoon Samples - From the daily sports cartoon website:
"Dynamictoons" Cartoon Samples - More toons from the daily sports cartoon website:
"101 Uses For a Dead Gator" Cartoon Samples - From the book "101 Uses For a Dead Gator".
"Monkeys Behaving Badly" conceptual sketches. - Pencil sketches.
Monday Knight Football character sketches - Character sketches for a never-produced video game called "Monday Knight Football".
Various Ink and pencil drawings
Pyramids of Giza in Crater Arizona - An illustration that accurately depicts the Pyramids of Giza inside the Crater at Arizona.
Oak Tree Ants Book Cover and Character Designs
Video Game Cabinet Side Panel Design
Multimedia Widget Player
Illustration - Traditional and Digital
Tim Warchocki
Warchocki Imageworks Celebration, FL