User scenario
1. The theme park entrance
2. Receive personal NFC bracelet and explore
3. The 'Charge point' to buy vouchers
4. Tag to receive vouchers
5. Something catches the eye, the 'user experience point'
6. Explore and interact with the park in new ways
7. Search information and visit a store or restaurant
8. Check the number of vouchers and choose goodies
9. Scan and tag to pay, NFC bracelet is full of information
10. Spread the word
Prototype frame
Making of an interactive graphic interface
Prototype's supporting hardware
Usability testing with prototype
Usability testing tagging
NFC for Theme Parks

The goal was to create a greater demand and awareness for NFC payment, by introducing it into theme parks. In this project NFC technology is implemented in two fashions: mainly as a payment system but also to interact with the theme park.

Locations with NFC activity can be recognized by the distinctive ring shaped NFC reader. The NFC payment system utilizes vouchers as currency and consists of a charge point and multiple check and pay points. Tagging is done by holding an NFC bracelet in the ring for a couple of seconds.

These tag events are used to track the individual visitors activities throughout the park, resulting in real time data on stocks, sales, occupancies, etc. and to generate rich user profiles. This data also allows visitors for instance to plan their route according to queues or locate a lost child. This service creates an overall richer park experience for its visitors and contributes to efficiency in park management. Project partners: Coen Claassen - Isabelle Denil

Ward Vancoppenolle
Industrial Designer Leuven, Belgium