Keepin' It Green - An environmental organization focused on enacting and promoting eco-friendly changes in the way we use our resources and create our energy. Promotes alternative means of transportation (biodiesel, biking, public transport, etc.) and more responsible usage of resources and energy by means of public media campaigns. Use of media (mainly print) to inform the public of environmental issues and simple ways to help preserve the environment around us.
Keepin' It Green - An environmental organization focused on enacting and promoting eco-friendly changes in the way we use our resources and create our energy. Promotes alternative means of transportation (biodiesel, biking, public transport, etc.) and more responsible usage of resources and energy by means of public media campaigns. Use of media (mainly print) to inform the public of environmental issues and simple ways to help preserve the environment around us.
MAN MUST DESTROY - Poster promoting more efficient usage and preservation of land.
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD: An Eco-Guide to Enacting Change - Promotional mini-book briefly detailing several ways in which an individual can be nicer to the envi
Keepin' It Green
William Clark
Graphic Design Student Lompoc, CA