E-Wan Express Website - E-Wan Express is a premier handcarry courier service provider in Singapore and Asia, delivering time-critical cargo. I was contacted by them to create an online identity for them. Visit www.ewanexpress.com
Qirat Website - Qirat is an eco-conscious company that provides people who live in rural areas an oppurtunty to sell their natural handcrafts through the brand. I was contacted by Qirat to design the overall branding experience. Visit www.qirat.com.sg
TasteMalaysia Website - TasteMalaysia is a UK-based food franchise that specializes in delicious yet affordable Asian cuisine in the UK. I was contacted by TasteMalaysia do design and maintain their website to give a clean approach for visitors to savour their digital tastebuds. Visit www.tastemalaysia.com
Majalah Ayu Website - Majalah Ayu, is a fashion magazine targeted at the modern malay woman. For the magazine's website, I approached for the clean look where images play the major role of the site. Even though the magazine is no longer published, you can still view the website at: http://tinyurl.com/7x95j2w
Camelot Website - Camelot is a Singapore-based outdoor adventure training company. Visit their website at: www.camelotsg.biz/
Mama's Deli Website - Website design for a local bakery, Mama's Deli, in 2011. Visit their website at: http://mamadeli.com/
IndahLiving Website - Website design for lifestyle furnishings company IndahLiving. Visit their website at: indahliving.com
Web Design
WeAreSixSeven Singapore-based Design...
Creative Design Studio Singapore, Singapore