Prescription Drugs In America - This was a collaborative book design including extensive research initially based on american democracy. Focusing on the prescription drug and healthcare epidemic, we designed the piece to have a sterile, cold feel. There are sections devoted to drug abuse and addiction due to miscommunications. Throughout the book, there are subtle reminders of the process, which comes to a state of reality at the end of the book.
Nintendo Brand Strategy - This core project was a brand strategy and position project for the brand Nintendo. With an established problem within the company after performing an audit, the project was then conducted by positioning graphs and research based on the existing impressions and expressions (internal and external) and then proposed future changes for improvement. The end state was designed as a book, with the use of visual narrative that were used to speak to the CEO directly about the necessary changes.
Fight Club Book re-design - Because of the dynamic nature of the story and the chaotic way in which the book was written, I thought it appropriate to redesign a boring expression of a great read. Fight Club, authored by Chuck Pahliniuk, is a twisted plot of surprises and quirks. When reading the small book, I thought it seemed like reading someone's personal thoughts, like a diary entry of sorts. This provoked the idea of the composition notebook with not-so-slight tweaks to coincide with the choas that ensues. the alternate paper stock was used as a reference guide and the imagery is harsh like the story of course.
Lund Family Center Identity System - The Lund Family Center is a non-profit organization that helps young teen mothers get back on their feet with assistance through classes on parenting and adulthood, and also rescources for drug rehabilitation and adoption services. The existing mark was too similar to the cliche stick person over a heart. I chose to use a leaf protecting the smaller to reinforce the idea that motherhood is supposed to be natural and is within a mother to care for her child. There is a profile of a woman's face here as well.
The Doors Book Re-design - Another book that really needed a design overhaul, the Illustrated History of The Doors was a more fun and limitless project. I used the old-school screen printed feel of rock posters of the 60s and 70s and added some contrasty imagery to break up the monotony of the huge chunks of type inside. The harsh texture additions reinforce the brash nature and the incredible story of The Doors' history and influence of music as it is today.
Jessica Bruce
graphic designer Essex Junction, VT