Ad Campaign for Argosy Casino - I developed the design, layout, and transformed a photo of a normal round burger, into this spade-shaped burger.
Ad Campaign for Argosy Casino - I developed the design, layout, and transformed a photo of a 3 normal shaped bushes into a set of slot 7 shaped bushes.
Ad Campaign for Argosy Casino - I developed the design, layout, and transformed a photo of a guy laying on a typical hotel bed into a bed with a craps table cover.
Ad Campaign for Argosy Casino - I developed the design, layout, and transformed this photo to have a tie with a casino-themed pattern.
Movie Poster for "Deep Down in Florida" - I designed this poster for a movie that was being submitted to the Sundance Film Festival.
Luminous Ad
Susan Chin
Graphic Designer/Web Designer Mount Laurel, NJ