Olimpiadas Lenovo - Site made for a Lenovo contest about the olympic torch. In this proyect I leaded the Art Direction and then the developement of it. Technology: Flash, Actionscript, PHP+MySQL (register/vote/send to a friend) Concept: Francisco Chaves - Esteban Panzeri Art Direction: Francisco Chaves Developement: Lenovo AR Web Design Team link > staging.wikichaves.com/lenovo/olimpiadaslenovo
Lenovo Homepage - During my stay at Lenovo part of my work was firs to Design the promotional Spots for lenovo.com homepage, and then to coordinate and improve the development of those spots. For more examples > staging.wikichaves.com/lenovo/homepages/
Lenovo Thinkstation - New design for Lenovo's Thinkstation series page.
Wiki Chaves
Head of Design @ LemonWallet Buenos Aires, Argentina