Modular Utility City Vehicle (MUC-V ACC 2035)

Modular Utility City Vehicle (MUC-V ACC 2035) - This project is sponsored by the American Chemistry Council (ACC) to seek increased creative usage of plastic in the automotive industry while contributing to the city of Detroit in year 2035. Utility vehicle with a small foot print has been designed to be a personal and work vehicle in one package, installing modules at the automated and reservation based module install drive through to fit variety of needs without wasting personal money and space. MUC-V aims at supporting small businesses and individual artists in need of both personal and utility transport, by making it affordable through various grants and cost savings made possible by creative usage of various plastic materials. 1:5 scale model has been hand made using industrial foam.

Won Choi
Automotive / Transportation Design Student Seeking Internships / Job Opportunities Detroit, MI