The Pleura

Within the Medical sphere, Breathing & Chronic Respiratory Illnesses form a large family of individual diseases which are expanding health epidemics. These conditions share common ground in terms of their diagnosis, management, and treatments, however portable prevention methods to combat these conditions from developing could be more commonly practiced.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is characterized by a limitation of airflow within a person/s lungs. Spirometry is the main form of diagnostic information for users as it offers feedback to users regarding the severity of their COPD, the practice of this method causes doubt in terms of how difficult the procedure is to perform for some users and its’ accuracy of returned results
The Pleura is a portable method of prevention for COPD Sufferers incorporating the use of Airwave Oscillometry (AOS) combined with modern interactive technologies to promote the cessation of smoking for users, in turn an effective method of prevention.

Wyatt Hedgecock
Industrial Designer Sydney, Australia