Aqua Ring

Man needs three basic “ingredients” to survive: air, food and water. We concentrated this project on the latter two since air is always present and the biggest need and biggest problem in the world is finding clean water; Water is a basic human need for survival. Currently 1 in 6 people in the world do not have access to safe drinking water.

The world’s clean water drinking supply is becoming increasingly limited.

AquaRing is a product focused on the wet-dry regions of the world and in providing the inhabitants with clean drinking water throughout the long dry season. AquaRing is placed outside when it is raining and once the rain stops the water inside the container is purified using the SODIS process. Instead of sending thousands of plastic bottles of water, which create lots of garbage in the area, one container is enough to provide one person with the amount of water they would need throughout the entire dry-season.

Contributors: Elisa Makela, Stephanie Sauve & Olga Losak

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Yana Tzanov
Creative Partner at TwentyNothings Toronto, Canada