magazine covers - 1. Covers for Within, a shelter publication 2. Covers for Shape, a woman’s beauty and health magazine 3. Covers for Surround, the eclectic music publication.
Book cover - Deluxe book cover for The Tales of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. The intent was to make an actual puzzle to be solved, as a representation of Sherlock Holmes's deductive powers of solving mysteries.
Music package - Deluxe CD package for the soundtrack of the film Chicago. The intent was to comment on the movie main character's personality, time, the story took place in, and the concept of the movie itself.
Logos - 1. The intent was to create interesting and charming icon to represent children’s shoe and accessory store, "Shoofly." 2. Logo for "Venus," a brand that produces feminine personal products. 3. logo for TV show "I can't believe I wore that" 4. Logo for a TV show "Style me with Rachel Hunter"
Book Design - Book devoted to Russian composer M. Glinka. The intent was to create a book that is both personal and informative to reflect a journey into Glinka’s life and the history of the first Russian opera.
Lena Deyneko
art director Brooklyn, NY