FitBark (iOS, Internet of Things)

The Fitbark team had just gone through a successful acceleration process and came along with their mobile prototype and its corresponding hardware. What they needed was to generate a complete app-store ready product.

It consists of an Internet of Things gadget built to track a dog's activity. Thanks to the Bluetooth Low Energy technology, a bone shaped device is connected to the Fitbark app, monitoring the dog’s movement.

Captured data can later be compared to other dogs of the same breed and size, allowing the owner to see if their dog needs more exercise or has any anomaly that should be checked out.

Also, all of the dog’s information can be stored in the mobile app, such as number of walks, food intake, vaccines and visits to the vet. Fitbark monitors and organizes all of the dog’s information in one easy-to-use platform designed to make sure they’re in tip-top shape and stay healthy.

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Yesica Danderfer
UI/UX Designer Mar del Plata, Argentina