Manzella Logo (illustrator)
Manzella Logo with T shirt - Manzella Logo with T shirt design
Logo Designs - My own personal logo design work Done in illustrator
Business Card (illustrator, Pencil)
IT'S NOT INC. Logo - Logo design
IT'S NOT INC.(Alt. Logo) - Alternate logo design
IT'S NOT INC. Logo (Tag) - Logo design with company tagline
IT'S NOT INC.(Alt Logo Tag) - Alternate logo design with company tagline
IT'S NOT INC. Business Card - Business card design work with logo
IT'S NOT INC. (Alt. Bus) - Business Card with alternate logo design
IT'S NOT INC. Website - Website design with logo
Tri Color Printing
Tri Color Printing
Tri Color Printing
Tri Color Printing
Accessa logo - Logo Design
Accessa (Tag) - Logo design with company tagline
Accessa Brochure
TheroMax Business Card
Playing Cards (illustrator)
New York - Logo work for Newyork nights Done in illustrator
Bad Hair (illustrator)
Car and Bird (illustrator)
Clown (illustrator)
Barrel of Monkeys (illustrator)
Road Kill (illustrator)
Worm Apple (illustrator)
Logistics Logo
Feather Pen Logo
Logos & Design
Joe Manzella
Graphic Illustrator levittown, NY