A hole in the Heart - Oil painting on recycle paper. A4 size i made the recycle paper myself and this painting was inspired by my friend San San.
Burn Lungs - Oil Painting on recycle paper A4 size this painting too was inspired by San San
Wood Texture - Acrylic on Canvas
Blue Leaves - Oil Painting on recycle paper
The Sun and The Moon - Oil on recycle paper
Red Flower - Acrylic on Canvas
Pot and Flowers - Acrylic on Canvas
Fern Leaf - Acrylic on Canvas
Stars and The Milky Way - Oil on recycle paper
And the stars collide - Oil on recycle paper
A maid - Oil on recycle paper A4 size this is my first oil painting.
Mom and dad
Wang YuanLing
Proficient in Photoshop CS 2 Singapore, Singapore